Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A solid 130 kms today as we headed out of Grafton towards Kyogle. Plenty of sunscreen today as another blue, cloudless sky showed.
The first 50 kms was a lumpy ride up and down, up and down. Our support team were to be at the 50 km mark, but hadn’t arrived – luckily there was a tiny village at the 50 km mark and a round of toasted sandwichs and milkshakes kept up fueled up!
The boys spent some time looking for a bargain on board…………or alternative methods of transport! Unfortunately we only found horses for sale, so remounted and rode on.
Jack, Chris & David look for transport
We headed out towards Casino for the 2nd 50 kms – Harry joined us for this bit and enjoyed it.
Jack has slowed a little up the hills, but after 4,300 kms we’ll forgive him!
Into Casino For Lunch
Into Casino and we found a shop for some chicken salad sandwichs and cold drinks. We rested up here for an hour or so and started the 30 km ride into the beautiful country town of Kyogle.
It was a flat 30 kms and the lads – Jack and I, David (did it again Jill!), Chris and Harry – stayed together for a solid clip.
Tomorrow is an 70 km ride into Murwillumbah – we have the ranges to come over which are rather large, but we keep turning the pedals and keep arriving where we need to get. It will be a slow ride, but a good challenge.
Jack’s feeling good and getting more excited about getting home.
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Ok the pub crawl on push bike is nearly over (we’ve seen the photos) Try to “enjoy” those last few hills and the ride home. While you have been sitting around drinking beers David we have taken care of Tina (she was quite tired after her outback camping) but after coffee, massages and facials she is back to her beautiful, serene self for your return. Jack – our kids think what you are doing is awesome, (we all do) enjoy your day tomorrow. Safe riding everyone – now is not the time to get the speed wobbles! The Jeffery Family
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